
I have a use case for one of the product that I work on. I need to know if
the passwords on the unix machines are weak.
The passwords are hashed using blowfish algorithm. I shall be doing
dictionary encryption using blowfish API to find the weak passwords.

I am using openssl/blowfish for this matter.
So, I have already generated hash from Unix machine and i need to hash the
words from dictionary to match them.

Very first question here is, Can I really do so using blowfish?
If yes, what is the salt that should be used to encrypt the guess word?

Which blowfish API should be used ? ( Considering the fact that the ivec
information is not available, please correct me if I am wrong)

What is the format of the output? Is it same as what is stored in
/etc/shadow on Unix?

I practically tried many ways to get my use case working, however, all did
not help me.
Therefor, coming back to square one and asking all these basic questions.
May be I am missing something in the usage.

Need urgent help.

Thanks in advance.

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