On 9/14/2011 6:33 PM, alok sharma wrote:
       I am having my client server on Windows. The server is concurrent and
having each thread for each connection. When the number of connection
increases to 400-500 i.e having high thread load, my server crashes. I
debuged it and found that it gives error (“random number
generator:FIPS_RAND:prng error") when it tries to invoke  SSL_accept(). My
server is Fips compliant.  I looked furthur inside openssl code and found
issue with fips_rand() method (fips/rand/fips_rand.c). Following is my
      The error is generated at following point

if (!ctx->test_mode)
         AES_encrypt(ctx->DT, I,&ctx->ks);
         for (i = 0; i<  AES_BLOCK_LENGTH; i++)
             tmp[i] = I[i] ^ ctx->V[i];
         AES_encrypt(tmp, R,&ctx->ks);
         for (i = 0; i<  AES_BLOCK_LENGTH; i++)
             tmp[i] = R[i] ^ I[i];
         AES_encrypt(tmp, ctx->V,&ctx->ks);
         /* Continuous PRNG test */
         if (ctx->second)
             if (fips_prng_fail){
                 memcpy(ctx->last, R, AES_BLOCK_LENGTH);
The above line may cause the next test to fail too if "fips_prng_fail" was set by something else.
             if (!memcmp(R, ctx->last, AES_BLOCK_LENGTH))
<------------------------------------------- The check is failing as the
current encrypted and last one are same
                 ctx->error = 1;
                 return 0;
         memcpy(ctx->last, R, AES_BLOCK_LENGTH);


I think under heavy load openssl continous PRNG test is failing. It might be
generating the same values as it applies AES encryption over the data taken
from fips_get_dt(ctx).
Yes, that is (technically) how the code tests if the RNG is failing badly.
This is a symptom, not a cause.
The chance of this happening if the RNG is good for anything is
1 in 2**128 per test run, thus very unlikely, the chance of this happening more
than once on the same (working) computer is astronomically small.

So the real problem is that this self-test seems to have found an actual
security problem.  Running this kind of test to discover such security
problems is a FIPS requirement.

What the error is apparently saying is that the PRNG as running on your
machine is *not* FIPS quality and must not be used for any government
work (and probably not for anything else either!).
  For windows platform this function takes
GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(). like
     buf[0] = (unsigned char) (ft.dwHighDateTime&  0xff);
     buf[1] = (unsigned char) ((ft.dwHighDateTime>>  8)&  0xff);
     buf[2] = (unsigned char) ((ft.dwHighDateTime>>  16)&  0xff);
     buf[3] = (unsigned char) ((ft.dwHighDateTime>>  24)&  0xff);
     buf[4] = (unsigned char) (ft.dwLowDateTime&  0xff);
     buf[5] = (unsigned char) ((ft.dwLowDateTime>>  8)&  0xff);
     buf[6] = (unsigned char) ((ft.dwLowDateTime>>  16)&  0xff);
     buf[7] = (unsigned char) ((ft.dwLowDateTime>>  24)&  0xff);
If this is the only PRNG seeding used on your machine, then your setup
is very insecure.  As a bare minimum you should make sure the code that
grabs entropy from the Windows CryptoAPI PRNG (which is also FIPS
certified) is also enabled.

This seeding source is not very random at all, and it is only a (short) matter of time before it will produce something so predictable it should not pass any
quality tests, including FIPS tests.

Please help in this regard. I am using openssl version 0.9.8o.

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