I've been completely stymied on a problem connecting to a HTTPS site via our
proxy server.  I've tried dozens of different work arounds I found on the
web and none seem to work and I think I've localized the problem down to an
environment variable not loading.

Here's the small script I'm running to test this out:
use strict;


use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Request::Common;
use Crypt::SSLeay;

my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent;


my $url = 'https://www.redhat.com';

my $res = $ua->get($url);
    print $res->as_string;
    print "FAILED: ".$res->status_line;
    print "\n\n";
    print $res->as_string;

If I include the line *$ua->env_proxy()* I get a '400 - Bad Request' error
from the proxy server.  The reason for this is because it is sending a GET
call instead of a CONNECT call.  This supposedly works on apache servers but
anywhere else, you need to have Crypt::SSLeay take over and do the proper
CONNECT call.  The instructions on this are to set the
*$ENV{HTTPS_PROXY}*variable as I have done and remove the call to
*$ua->env_proxy()*.  This should then use Crypt::SSLeay and do a CONNECT.
When I make this change, I get a 500 error because it can't find the proxy.
I have also tried setting my Windows environment variable for HTTPS_PROXY
and proved it is set but the script still doesn't see it.  I can connect to
https sites without an issue via FireFox.  Is there something simple I'm
missing to force the script to use the environment variable HTTPS_PROXY?

any help would be much appreciated,



Mark Denzel
Black Belt
Converged Computing Group
Motorola Mobility
w/m: 815-531-7621

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