> From: owner-openssl-us...@openssl.org On Behalf Of Lucas Clemente Vella
> Sent: Wednesday, 19 October, 2011 22:44
<snip: connect to graph.facebook.com:443 using 
  cafile="DigiCertHighAssuranceEVRootCA.crt" gets rc=20>
> Then I found this directory in my system, "/etc/ssl/certs", containing
> my installed CA roots, which I provided to OpenSSL, instead of the
> certificate file: <and got rc=0>

> It seems to me that there is one certificate installed in
> /etc/ssl/certs, which is different from the on I was providing, that
> is being used to verify the host. If it is so, how can I know what
> certificate is being used? And why Firefox and Chrome both use the
> former certificate I provided, while OpenSSL is unable to use it for
> the same host?
s_client shows that host is providing a chain which has at #2 
"Digicert High Assurance EV Root CA" not actually a root but instead 
isssued by "Entrust.net Secure Server Certification Authority".
Such a cert with SHA1 99A6 9BE6 1AFE 886B 4D2B 8200 7CB8 54FC 317E 1539 
found at www.entrust.net "Download roots" does verify the chain, 
and is in my Windows/IE(7) and FF3.6 and Java(6u24) truststores 
"out of the box", so if your /etc/ssl/certs was put together with 
the "usual suspects" (a la Casablanca) very likely it's in there.

The #2 from graph.facebook.com and the root from digicert.com have 
the same public key and keyid so either one can verify the children 
(which (both) have AKI.keyid). I don't know why both forms exist 
and I don't see anything obvious on the Digicert website about it.
The dates are different: the #2 is 20061001 to 20140726 while the 
true root is 20061110 to 20311110; possibly digicert initially got 
cross-signed by entrust and then established their own root(s).

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