Hi all,
   I am newbie to openssl any help is greatly appreciated.

I have a requirement of fetching the Common name (domin name )  from the
certificate that I request from any HTTPS websites. I followed the regular
method of

1. establish a connection with the ip address using *connect() *system call.
2. Use *SSL_connect()* system call to perform handshake.
3. Use *SSL_get_peer_certificate()* to get the certificate.

The problem I faced was that, the connect() call would at times return a
errno 4 (EINTR) error . So i changed code from blocking to non-blocking
sockets and used select() call to have a valid connection and return an
appropriate file descriptor.
Now the ssl_connect() call returns SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ
or SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE error. I am unable to make my code work by adding a
select() even on ssl_connect() call.

If any one can please help as to how I need to use the  ssl_connect() by
polling that would be of great help. preferred language would be C/C++


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