Hi Dave,

>>But even with that done/fixed in my test environment I DO get
>>verify error 24 invalid CA cert depth 1 (my only intermediate).
>>Is that what you're getting? If so, it looks like maybe the
>>'purpose' checks have been made stricter since the last time
>>I did this in test, where I have V1/noextension certs.
>>I can't set up a test with real(er) (CA)certs immediately.
>>If you have V1 or otherwise 'substandard' CA certs, you might
>>try enhancing those.

Yes, I was getting the same error. And after using v3 certificates, the
error did not appear again and my client-server app is working well with
the multi-level configuration. Thanks a lot for your patient help in this


On Sat, Dec 3, 2011 at 4:17 AM, Dave Thompson <dthomp...@prinpay.com> wrote:

> >       From: Ashok C [mailto:ash....@gmail.com]
> >       Sent: Friday, 02 December, 2011 00:11
> >       Keeping the things you have mentioned in mind, this is how it goes.
> >       In server side, EE key is loaded using
> > SSL_CTX_use_RSAPrivateKey_file(ctx,eekeyfile,SSL_FILETYPE_PEM);
> >       EE certificate is loaded using SSL_CTX_use_certificate_file(ctx,
> > eepemfile,SSL_FILETYPE_PEM);
> >       And the intermediate certificate chain is loaded using
> > SSL_CTX_use_certificate_chain_file(ctx, interchain) - This chain
> > contains intermediate CA certs without the rootCA.
> >       In client side, rootCA is loaded using
> > SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations(ctx,capemfile,NULL).
> >       After attempting SSL_connect from client, the intermediate
> certificate
> > chain and the EE certificate are received in client side using
> > SSL_get_peer_cert_chain(ssl) and SSL_get_peer_certificate (ssl)
> respectively.
> >       After this we call SSL_get_verify_result(ssl) which fails.
> >       So question here is that whether we need to add the received
> > chain explicitly to the verify locations in client side? Meaning,
> > do we need to build the chain from client side explicitly by ourselves?
> First, I made a mistake; it's been a long time since I coded this.
> CTX_use_certificate_chain_file loads BOTH the entity cert (which
> must be first in the file) AND the chain certs, and thus REPLACES
> CTX_use_certificate_file. I'm guessing you have that data,
> since if _use_certificate_chain_ doesn't contain the EE cert
> then handshake can't select this auth type (and we have no other)
> which produces a rather different (and less helpful!) error.
> But even with that done/fixed in my test environment I DO get
> verify error 24 invalid CA cert depth 1 (my only intermediate).
> Is that what you're getting? If so, it looks like maybe the
> 'purpose' checks have been made stricter since the last time
> I did this in test, where I have V1/noextension certs.
> I can't set up a test with real(er) (CA)certs immediately.
> If you have V1 or otherwise 'substandard' CA certs, you might
> try enhancing those.
> These specific checks appear to be bypassed for certs in the
> truststore, so putting all of the chain above the server EE
> in the client truststore is an alternative (and works for me).
> In that case the server only needs to send its EE cert (i.e.
> only _use_certificate). This is typically more work to set up
> and manage 'in the wild', but it is an alternative.

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