> From: owner-openssl-us...@openssl.org On Behalf Of Nico Flink
> Sent: Monday, 05 December, 2011 06:31

> To avoid the padding problem I tried the AES OFB and CFB 
> streaming modes. Indeed this solves the padding problem. But 
> if I understand the concept of stream ciphers correctly every 
> bit is en/decrypted with a bit from the key stream. It seems 
> to me that because of that one always has to start decrypting 
> the file from the beginning to the end, without the 
> possibility to jump into the file at some desired point. Is 
> that correct?
Yes, and also for CBC which is a block mode. 
Unless of course you know or decide at encryption time 
what your decryption chunks will or can be, and do 
separate encryption chunks to correspond.

> What I want to achieve is that I have one large encrypted 
> file from which I can extract smaller chunks of decrypted 
> data at several positions of the file without having to 
> decrypt the whole file. Is this possible at all and do you 
> have a suggestion what would be the best way to achieve this?
CTR (counter) mode definitely can do that.
Basically it justs uses enc(key,N+0) XOR data block 0, 
enc(key,N+1) XOR data block 1, etc.
Never use the same key AND counter range for different files.
Either use different keys, or start each file at a counter 
that is guaranteed different. E.g. if you have a thousand 
files each of which will never exceed 1TB, you could use
0x100000,0x100001 etc. for file 1, 0x200000 etc. for file 2, 
etc. If you have different versions of the same file 
encrypted (at different times), you may need to give them 
different counter ranges (and thus update your mapping of 
file to initial counter), depending on what an adversary 
might be able to guess about the way(s) your files change.

Over the past several years NIST has run an open process to 
develop new modes (much as it did AES and is doing SHA-3).
See http://csrc.nist.gov/groups/ST/toolkit/BCM/index.html
especially Modes Development. Some of these might be suitable 
for random-access like you ask for, but I don't know.
I'm not sure how well they have been analyzed and which 
if any are or will become standards, but (except for GCM) 
they definitely haven't been adopted by TLS or implemented 
in OpenSSL, so you'd have to implement them yourself.
(For existing modes, you can get Special Pubs 800-38* from 
the top level of that same website while you're there.)

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