>       From: owner-openssl-us...@openssl.org On Behalf Of rey sebastien
>       Sent: Wednesday, 14 December, 2011 07:33

>       I have some problem with nested subdomain and wildcard openssl 
> certificate.. <snip>
>       When i create the self signed certificate, i enter CN = 
> *.parisgeo.cnrs.fr, but it's seems it's impossible to connect on this site

> for example partage.parisgeo.cnrs.fr with this configuration ! Arg.

When you say "the" self-signed cert, which do you mean? For the 
procedure you show, only your (private) CA cert is selfsigned, 
the server=EE cert is NOT selfsigned. (It is signed by a key 
belonging to the same owner=you, but not *its own key*.)

>       I generate my certificate like this (CN = *.parisgeo.cnrs.fr) : 

>       openssl genrsa -des3 -out ca.key 2048
>       openssl req -new -x509 -days 3650 -key ca.key -out ca.crt
>       openssl req -newkey rsa:1024 -nodes -keyout parisgeo.cnrs.fr.key 
> -out parisgeo.cnrs.fr.csr
>       openssl x509 -req -days 3650 -in parisgeo.cnrs.fr.csr -CA ca.crt 
> -CAcreateserial  -CAkey ca.key -out parisgeo.cnrs.fr.crt

If you used the same DN, including CN=*.parisgeo.cnrs.fr, for both 
the CA and the server=EE, it won't work, and it looks like you did.

>       When i try to connect and test the certificate with openssl : 

>       root@xxxx:/etc/ssl# openssl s_client -connect
>       CONNECTED(00000003)
>       depth=0 /C=FR/ST=IDF/L=PARIS/O=CNRS/CN=*.parisgeo.cnrs.fr
>       verify error:num=18:self signed certificate
>       verify return:1
>       depth=0 /C=FR/ST=IDF/L=PARIS/O=CNRS/CN=*.parisgeo.cnrs.fr
>       verify return:1
>       ---
>       Certificate chain
>        0 s:/C=FR/ST=IDF/L=PARIS/O=CNRS/CN=*.parisgeo.cnrs.fr
>          i:/C=FR/ST=IDF/L=PARIS/O=CNRS/CN=*.parisgeo.cnrs.fr
>       ---
<snip rest>

s_client thinks the issuer and subject names are identical.
If you want the server=EE cert signed/issued under a CA cert,
the server=EE name (subject) and the CA name (issuer) must be 
different. I prefer to make CN different, because that's what 
people mostly look at, but it's sufficient to make any field 
in DN different e.g. Org or OrgUnit.
>       The firefox error when i try to connect to the site is :

>       An error occurred during a connection to partage.parisgeo.cnrs.fr.
>       Peer's certificate has an invalid signature.
>       (Error code: sec_error_bad_signature)
OpenSSL signs correctly; assuming the certs weren't damaged, 
this probably means Firefox tried to verify using the EE key 
rather than the CA key because the name is ambiguous.

>       If you have any idea to help me resolving this problem .. 

Don't use the same name for the CA and the server.

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