>       From: owner-openssl-us...@openssl.org On Behalf Of Chris
>       Sent: Friday, 03 February, 2012 15:55

>       I am using OpenSSL to run through a sizable number of web server 
> connections (~500), and tell me which certs are getting ready to expire. 
> My utility has worked for a while (a couple years?) on 1.0.0 Beta3, 
> and I recently upgraded to 1.0.0.n. <snip>

Aside: 1.0.0 is only up to g. Are you a Time Lord? 
>       Now I want to extend my usage of OpenSSL, to handle client-side 
> certificates, because my current utility throws an error on web servers 
> that require a client side certificate. It seems to work (at least some) 
> regardless, because openssl s_client shows the server side certificate 
> before having to provide the client side. But I want to get rid of 
> all the errors, and ensure I'm getting all server side certs.

It's actually 'without' not 'before', but same result.
>       In my lab, I've successfully been able to do manual testing, 
> using [-cert and -key, or -cert with combined]
>       [Note: If you're probably wondering what the '-nowait' option is. 
> My utility runs on Windows. Since the distributed version (beta3 and .n) 
> would often hang on the Windows connection, I added a '-nowait' option 
> into the source and re-compiled <snip>

I doubt this is Windows specific. Your command line doesn't show 
any redirection of input, so if s_client successfully connects 
it waits for user input to be sent to the server and/or server 
output to be displayed to the user. Redirect <NUL: (actually 
any filename *beginning* with NUL works, but that's a kludge) 
or an actual empty file.
>       For so many servers, I'd like a flexible openssl call that 
> can use a directory of client certificates/keys, in order to avoid 
> having to specify the cert for each connection command. That lead me 
> towards the -CApath parameter. I believe the 'mklink' option on Win2003 
> or the CreateSymbolicLink function on Windows 2008 should be able 
> to replace the 'ln -s' code for c_rehash. But I can't get it to work. 
> I always get an ssl handshake failure. Sample failed output below.
<snip rest>

You're looking in entirely the wrong place. Even if symlinks work 
on Windows and I'm not sure about that, CApath and/or CAfile supply 
CA certs to use to verify the *server* (in general the peer, which 
for s_client is the server), *not* prove the client, and no key(s) 
at all (which is necessary for client to prove). I believe, but 
haven't tracked down exactly, the default truststore (CApath and/or 
CAfile) is used to *add* chain certs for the client cert if needed, 
but it cannot be used to supply the client cert (and key) itself.
In general if you want to interactively select client cert+key, 
you need to set _client_cert_cb (callback) or _client_cert_engine. 
s_client.c currently has the latter, if you write such an engine; 
or you can modify s_client.c to include and use a callback you write.

Or you could write a custom app which just SSL_connect's and displays 
the server cert (or only server cert notAfter if that's all you want) 
and doesn't try to do the many other things s_client does.

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