Thanks Dave could you please elaborate below lines too

$(OPENSSL) req -newkey rsa:1024 -sha1 -keyout rootkey.pem -out rootreq.pem
-config root.cnf
$(OPENSSL) x509 -req -in rootreq.pem -sha1 -extfile root.cnf -extensions
certificate_extensions -signkey rootkey.pem -out rootcert.pem
$(CAT) rootcert.pem rootkey.pem > root.pem

$(OPENSSL) req -newkey rsa:1024 -sha1 -keyout serverCAkey.pem -out
serverCAreq.pem -config serverCA.cnf
$(OPENSSL) x509 -req -in serverCAreq.pem -sha1 -extfile serverCA.cnf
-extensions certificate_extensions -CA root.pem -CAkey root.pem
-CAcreateserial -out serverCAcert.pem
$(CAT) serverCAcert.pem serverCAkey.pem rootcert.pem > serverCA.pem


On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 1:45 AM, Dave Thompson <>wrote:

> >       From: On Behalf Of Mithun Kumar
> >       Sent: Monday, 09 April, 2012 01:54
> >       I am newbie to OpenSSL. I am trying to understand how certificates
> > are generated. I downloaded the samples and started understanding
> > the "Makefile" that came with the sources.
> FYI- this is *a* way of generating matching keys and certificates,
> which is what you need, in OpenSSL. There are other methods.
> >       Below is my understanding so far
> >        $(OPENSSL) req -newkey rsa:1024 -sha1 -keyout serverkey.pem
> > -out serverreq.pem -config server.cnf -reqexts req_extensions
> >           Here we are trying to create a RSA private key with Private
> > Key file " serverkey.pem" and output file  "serverreq.pem "
> This creates an RSA key*pair* (private and public) which is stored
> in CRT format in serverkey.pem, *and* a certficate signing request
> aka CSR for the publickey half of that keypair in serverreq.pem.
> Although theoretical RSA public and private keys can be distinct
> with only (e,n) and (d,n), much better performance is obtained
> by the CRT implementation which stores e,d,n,p,q plus more.
> The publickey (e,n) is extracted from CRT format when needed.
> (CRT here means Chinese Remainder Theorem.)
> >        $(OPENSSL) x509 -req -in serverreq.pem -sha1 -extfile server.cnf
> > -extensions certificate_extensions -CA serverCA.pem -CAkey serverCA.pem
> > -CAcreateserial -out servercert.pem
> >            Here we are creating a ServerCertificate which has the
> > private key from serverreq.pem , signed by CA serverCA.pem using
> > CA private key serverCA.pem
> The cert has the *public*key from the CSR, plus other information.
> It is signed by the CA's privatekey in serverCA.pem and is linked
> "under" the CA's certificate (matching that CA privatekey) also in
> serverCA.pem. (In many but not all cases, OpenSSL allows multiple
> things to be stored in one .pem file. Other programs may not.)
> >        $(CAT) servercert.pem serverkey.pem serverCAcert.pem
> > rootcert.pem > server.pem
> >            Not shure why we are doing here.
> Assuming serverCAcert.pem contains the same cert as serverCA.pem
> (but *not* the privatekey apparently also in serverCA.pem) and
> rootcert.pem contains the root cert "over" serverCAcert.pem,
> this puts the server's keypair, the cert for the server's key,
> the CA cert "over" the server's cert (called an intermediate or
> "chain" cert), and the root cert all in one file. Some servers
> (can) use a single file like that to define together the (server)
> key and cert with its chain they use for SSL/TLS handshake. Some
> clients do the same if you use client auth, but that is rarer.
> Technically the server doesn't need the root cert in this file.
> Any root supplied by the server to the client during handshaking
> is ignored; the client must use only a root configured locally.
> But if you want a record of what root the server cert chain uses,
> putting it in the file is a convenient and reliable way.
> >       Can some one explain me clearly above 3 commands.
> >       Also  during Server Authentication , Server sends its certificate
> > to the client which has the Public Key of the server. Here where is
> > the Public Key generated?
> As above; the publickey in the server cert came from the CSR, which
> came from the server keypair generated and stored in the first step.
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