
I have successfully built x64 version of FIPS object module (1.2.3) and
openSSL 0.9.8.u on Windows 7 with Visual Studio 2010. However,
out32dll/fips_test_suite.exe fails with following error.
        FIPS-mode test application

1. Non-Approved cryptographic operation test...
        a. Included algorithm (D-H)...successful
2. Automatic power-up self

As suggested in
http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.comp.encryption.openssl.devel/18309 , I
have edited the openssl-0.9.8u\ms\ntdll.mak  and added /FIXED flag in
LFLAGS as below.

LFLAGS=*/FIXED* /nologo /subsystem:console /opt:ref

Now, out32dll/fips_test_suite.exe running successfully after compiling with
/FIXED linker option.

However, my sample application which is linking dynamically with
libeay32.dll is returning same finger print mismatch error. Sample
application also links with /FIXED linker option.

dumpbin shows no randomization code in "DLL characteristics" for both
libeay32.dll and sample application.
Value of DLL characteristics from dumpbin:
             100 DLL characteristics
                   NX compatible

Here is the link lines for libeay32.dll:
perl util\fipslink.pl /FIXED /nologo /subsystem:console /opt:ref /dll /map
/base:0xFB00000 /out:out32dll\libeay32.dll /def:ms/LIBEAY32.def

Is the above value of link line and DLL characteristics correct? Or did I
miss anything? Or is OS forcefully loading the libeay32.DLL  at randomized


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