I've sent 3 e-mails to the list over the past 10 days, but not a single
reply.  I'm a bit worried, as I don't know how else to get help on OpenSSL.

I'm using Openssl to talk to a server that expects to re-use ssl sessions
when a client needs to open many SSL connections.  I have the same code
working on Linux and Windows.

But when I try to run on the Mac, the new SSL connection that attempts to
reuse the SSL session just sits there and hangs.  After several minutes the
server times out the connection, thinking no requests are being made, and
then the client unblocks once the tcp connection is closed.  Looking at
packet traces and trying to inspect the SSL object in a debugger, I would
guess the client is waiting for the server to do the full SSL handshake,
even though I'm trying to reuse an existing session.

I desperately need to know:  am I doing it wrong?  Or is there a serious
problem on the Mac that prevents SSL sessions from being re-used?

Here are the relevant openssl calls I'm making:

1) In the single context I'm using, I am making this call prior to
establishing any SSL connections:
    SSL_CTX_set_session_cache_mode( ctx, SSL_SESS_CACHE_BOTH );

2) When it is time to start the 2nd SSL session, here is how I get the
session from the initial working connection:

    SSL_SESSION *savedSession = SSL_get1_session( ctrlSSL );
    SSL_set_session( dataSSL, savedSession );
    SSL_connect( dataSSL );

Please...any help would be greatly appreciated.

Stéphane Charette

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