hi and thanksfor the suggestion but no help for me.

What i ended up doing is to pass the transaction info to an other server I 
own that does not have the problem
then send the transaction to paypal and return the response back to the 
original call

The other server is SSL secured as well and still has Perl 5.8.8 installed

I have set up the the pass through server to work for multiple paypal 
The original server that sends the request gets the responce and puts it 
back into a hash
Very few additional lines of code

1  make a '&' seperated name=value string of the transaction
   - the string has additional fields for file name and debug/testing
   - the filename on the other server contains the login for paypal
   - so not paypal login info is passed over the first connection

2 send re3quest to other server with CURL
    $response = `/path/to/specialcurlscript '$URL_to_other_server' 

3 other server builds the request as needed by Payflow and calls 
pfpro($data) command

4 other server converts HASH to '&' seperated 'name=value' string

5 original server converts string back to HASH and continues as usual

I can make my server available if needed www.comfortsignups.com

---here are the orig script changes
   my $pfpdata = '';
   $pfpdata .= "AMT=$orderamount";
   $pfpdata .= "&TENDER=C";   # credit card
   $pfpdata .= "&TRXTYPE=S";   # sale
   $pfpdata .= "&TAXAMT=0.00";
   $pfpdata .= "&FIRSTNAME=$cardfname";
   $pfpdata .= "&LASTNAME=$cardlname";
   $pfpdata .= "&STREET=$cardaddress";
   $pfpdata .= "&ZIP=$cardzip";
   $pfpdata .= "&EMAIL=$cardemail";
   $pfpdata .= "&ACCT=$cardno";
   $pfpdata .= "&EXPDATE=$cardexp";
   $pfpdata .= "&CVV2=$securitycode";
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