Thanks Sukalp,

But I would like confirmation for the algorithm also.
Whether SKI/AKI related checks are sufficient for the chain formation, or
if anything else needs to be checked.


On Mon, Jul 23, 2012 at 12:54 PM, Sukalp Bhople <> wrote:

> Hi,
> You can have a look at following files from openssl source code.
> 1. ssl_cert.c (around line number 626)
> 2. x509_vfy.c (around line number 153)
> 3. v3_purp.c (around line number 700).
> good luck!
> On Mon, Jul 23, 2012 at 8:41 AM, Ashok C <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have a requirement to form a correct certificate chain (for a server
>> application, to send to client).
>> Currently I was forming the chain using the issuer-id and subject name
>> combination alone.
>> Eg: The algorithm followed was:
>> Let End entity(server certificate) be called as 'E'. Root certificate as
>> 'R' , and intermediate CA certificate be 'I'.
>>    1. Look up E's issuer-id. Let it be 'C=IN'.  Chain at this step: "E"
>>    2. Search trust store for CA certificate which has this 'C=IN' as
>>    subject name and add it to chain. This is "I". Chain at this step: "E-I"
>>    3. Look at issuer-id of I and search trust store which has it as
>>    subject-name. In this case I will find 'R'. Since for 'R' issuer-id and
>>    subject-name are same, this is considered to be root and hence not added 
>> to
>>    chain.
>> But, I find that this chain is not conclusive enough, as
>> subject-name==issuer-id is not a complete criteria for a root certificate
>> and also that "I" cannot be treated as issuer of "E" just because of the
>> success of the issuer-id/subject-name checks.
>> I read the openSSL verify man page and understood that checks related to
>> authority key identifier and subject key identifier are required to decide
>> upon the correct chain.
>> So I presume that the logic should be modified to look something like
>> this:
>>    1. Look up E's issuer-id. Let it be 'C=IN'.  Chain at this step: "E"
>>    2. Search trust store for CA certificate which has this 'C=IN' as
>>    subject name. This is "I". Check if authority key identifier of "E" is the
>>    same as the subject key identifier of "I". If this is true, add it to
>>    chain. Chain at this step: "E-I"
>>    3. Look at issuer-id of I and search trust store which has it as
>>    subject-name. In this case I will find 'R'. Check if authority key
>>    identifier of "I" is the same as the subject key identifier of "R". 'R' 
>> can
>>    be concluded as the root only if subject-name==issuer-id and
>>    authority-key-identifier==subject-key-identifier.
>> Is this solution complete for a multi-level hierarchy? As of now, I do
>> not have to deal with cross-certification, though I am very interested to
>> know from you guys on the complications involved when that comes into the
>> picture. I understand there is RFC 4158 explaining this path formation, but
>> was wondering that needs to be read in detail only for the
>> cross-certification related parts.
>> Does openSSL have any sample implementation somewhere for this path
>> formation(subject-key/authority-key checks) which I could use for reference?
>> Thanks in advance.
>>  Regards,
>> Ashok
> --
> Regards,
> *Sukalp Bhople.*

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