Is there no one in the community who can help me to find the cause of
the problem ?

On Tue, Sep 4, 2012 at 7:21 PM, Supratik Goswami
<> wrote:
> I am using OpenSSL version : openssl-1.0.0j in our production.
> I am facing a strange problem where the SSL connection simply hangs
> during initial handshake when requested from our office IP address.
> When I run the same command from another IP address it works fine.
> From office IP (Unsuccessful connection):
> [root@gateway ]# openssl s_client -connect
> CONNECTED(00000003)
> From a different IP (Successful connection):
> ubuntu@ip-10-0-0-10 (Development):~$ openssl s_client -connect
> CONNECTED(00000003)
> depth=3 /L=ValiCert Validation Network/O=ValiCert, Inc./OU=ValiCert
> Class 2 Policy Validation
> Authority/CN=
> verify error:num=19:self signed certificate in certificate chain
> verify return:0
> ---
> Certificate chain
>  0 s:/O=* Control Validated/CN=*
>    i:/C=US/ST=Arizona/L=Scottsdale/,
> Inc./OU= Daddy Secure
> Certification Authority/serialNumber=07969287
>  1 s:/C=US/ST=Arizona/L=Scottsdale/,
> Inc./OU= Daddy Secure
> Certification Authority/serialNumber=07969287
>    i:/C=US/O=The Go Daddy Group, Inc./OU=Go Daddy Class 2
> Certification Authority
>  2 s:/C=US/O=The Go Daddy Group, Inc./OU=Go Daddy Class 2
> Certification Authority
>    i:/L=ValiCert Validation Network/O=ValiCert, Inc./OU=ValiCert Class
> 2 Policy Validation
> Authority/CN=
>  3 s:/L=ValiCert Validation Network/O=ValiCert, Inc./OU=ValiCert Class
> 2 Policy Validation
> Authority/CN=
>    i:/L=ValiCert Validation Network/O=ValiCert, Inc./OU=ValiCert Class
> 2 Policy Validation
> Authority/CN=
> ---
> Server certificate
> subject=/O=* Control Validated/CN=*
> issuer=/C=US/ST=Arizona/L=Scottsdale/,
> Inc./OU= Daddy Secure
> Certification Authority/serialNumber=07969287
> ---
> No client certificate CA names sent
> ---
> SSL handshake has read 4827 bytes and written 435 bytes
> ---
> New, TLSv1/SSLv3, Cipher is RC4-SHA
> Server public key is 2048 bit
> Secure Renegotiation IS supported
> Compression: NONE
> Expansion: NONE
> SSL-Session:
>     Protocol  : TLSv1
>     Cipher    : RC4-SHA
>     Session-ID: 
> 276ADBFB75336E7E870C5E109B4C5F6AFB8328C8775029EF135C5DA6F8608533
>     Session-ID-ctx:
>     Master-Key:
>     Key-Arg   : None
>     Start Time: 1346765613
>     Timeout   : 300 (sec)
>     Verify return code: 19 (self signed certificate in certificate chain
> Any ideas ?
> --
> Warm Regards
> Supratik

Warm Regards

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