>From: owner-openssl-us...@openssl.org On Behalf Of Mithun Kumar
>Sent: Tuesday, 18 September, 2012 00:37

>Hello Dave, 
>Below is what i see in Server Logs
>"Encryption is required to connect to this server but the 
>client library does not support encryption; the connection 
>has been closed. Please upgrade your client library.  
>Error: 17835, Severity: 20, State: 1"
>Do you have any pointers? Have you encountered any time before 
>such errors in forum?

I've never seen it, no.

The first several google hits for SQL server error 17835 
strongly suggest that the error might be that the client 
"library" (aka driver) isn't *configured* correctly, not 
that it doesn't actually support encryption. I would try 
to check that first. If you're using one of the several 
Microsoft "only and forever solution"s, you'll have to find 
the correct instructions for it, or someone who knows it.
I can't help you there (and no one else has chimed in).

If the problem is truly that the client doesn't support it -- 
and it appears your client would have to be older than about 
2005 for that to be the case -- then you need a better client.
If MS, I would stick with it and upgrade -- upgrading existing 
product "in place" is one thing MS usually does pretty well. 
If you're using some third-party product see if it can be upgraded, 
and if not change to something else, like MS  -- or ask to get the 
encryption requirement relaxed, although depending on the data 
on this server that may not be possible in the current world of 
increasing attacks and liability or penalty for breaches.

If for some reason you can't use an MS driver and can't find or 
use a third-party driver, and are left to implement it yourself, 
you will have to implement TDS *and* SSL. You can use OpenSSL for 
the SSL part, but I doubt anyone here can help you for TDS.

OpenSSL Project                                 http://www.openssl.org
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