Trying to achieve client authentication.

Should I have said "certificate signed by a CA known to the server"?


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Ben Laurie
Sent: Saturday, October 06, 2012 10:38 AM
Subject: Re: Best practice for client cert name checking

On Sat, Oct 6, 2012 at 2:52 PM, Charles Mills <> wrote:
> I have recently written a product that incorporates SSL/TLS server 
> code that processes client certificates. I designed what I thought 
> made sense at the time but now I am wondering if what I did was best.
> In the product's configuration file the sysadmin may optionally 
> include a whitelist of client names. If the sysadmin does so, then the 
> server requests a client certificate. At least one of the names 
> (subject O= and Alternative names, including wildcards) in the 
> certificate must match one of the names in the whitelist or I reject the
> Something I saw recently got me to wondering whether I should have 
> made some sort of provision for checking IP addresses: perhaps 
> verifying that the client IP address appeared in the Alternative names 
> in the client certificate as well as in the whitelist? Or perhaps that 
> the IP address matched an alternative name and the subject name appeared
in the whitelist?
> Comments?

You don't say what you're trying to achieve! But whatever it is, none of the
above makes a lot of sense - anyone can make a cert with whatever subject
and alternate names they want...
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