Hi aunt.jomamma,

You have ignored every return value. You should probably start by
checking all return values.

If you check all return values *and* assert all the checks, you will
have self debugging code. I find self debugging code the best code of
all, but I'm kind of lazy.

> 2) Is there purposely a difference in behavior between the FIPS and non-FIPS 
> versions,...
Did FIPS_mode_set succeed? It returns 1 on success.


On Fri, Oct 12, 2012 at 4:40 PM, AJ <aunt.joma...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've noticed an inconsistency between the behavior of AES_CTR in FIPS and 
> non-FIPS modes.
> I am using openssl-1.0.1c and openssl-fips-2.0.
> The following code demonstrates the issue:
>   1 #include <stdio.h>
>   2 #include <string.h>
>   3 #include "openssl/evp.h"
>   4
>   5 #define MSG_SIZE 14
>   6 const unsigned char *key = (unsigned char *)"1234567890123456";
>   7 const unsigned char *iv =  (unsigned char *)"0101010101010101";
>   8
>   9 int main(void) {
>  10
>  11         unsigned char in_1[MSG_SIZE];
>  12         unsigned char in_2[MSG_SIZE];
>  13         unsigned char out_1[MSG_SIZE];
>  14         unsigned char out_2[MSG_SIZE];
>  15         int out_len_1, out_len_2;
>  16
>  17         EVP_CIPHER_CTX ctx_1, ctx_2;
>  18
>  19         memset ( in_1, 0, MSG_SIZE );
>  20         memset ( in_2, 0, MSG_SIZE );
>  21
>  22         EVP_CIPHER_CTX_init( &ctx_1 );
>  23         EVP_EncryptInit( &ctx_1, EVP_aes_128_ctr(), key, iv );
>  24         EVP_EncryptUpdate( &ctx_1, out_1, &out_len_1, in_1, MSG_SIZE );
>  25         EVP_EncryptInit( &ctx_1, NULL, NULL, iv );
>  26         EVP_EncryptUpdate( &ctx_1, out_1, &out_len_1, in_1, MSG_SIZE );
>  27
>  28         FIPS_mode_set(1);   /* Enable FIPS mode */
>  29
>  30         EVP_CIPHER_CTX_init( &ctx_2 );
>  31         EVP_EncryptInit( &ctx_2, EVP_aes_128_ctr(), key, iv );
>  32         EVP_EncryptUpdate( &ctx_2, out_2, &out_len_2, in_2, MSG_SIZE );
>  33         EVP_EncryptInit( &ctx_2, NULL, NULL, iv );
>  34         EVP_EncryptUpdate( &ctx_2, out_2, &out_len_2, in_2, MSG_SIZE );
>  35
>  36         if ( memcmp( out_1, out_2, MSG_SIZE ) == 0 ) {
>  37                 printf("Buffers are equal.\n\n");
>  38         } else {
>  39                 printf("Buffers are not equal.\n\n");
>  40         }
>  41
>  42         return 0;
>  43 }
> The reason for the difference outputs is that there is a difference in the 
> EVP_EncryptInit code (lines 25 and 33) for the 2 modes.
> In the non-FIPS mode, line 25 will reset the ctx_1->num to zero.  This is 
> done in EVP_CipherInit_ex(), line 240:
> 239                         case EVP_CIPH_CTR_MODE:
> 240                         ctx->num = 0;
> 241                         /* Don't reuse IV for CTR mode */
> 242                         if(iv)
> 243                                 memcpy(ctx->iv, iv, 
> EVP_CIPHER_CTX_iv_length(ctx));
> 244                         break;
> 245
> However, in FIPS mode, the equivalent line does not reset ctx_2->num.  This 
> is from FIPS_cipherinit(), lines 210-215:
> 210                         case EVP_CIPH_CTR_MODE:
> 211                         /* Don't reuse IV for CTR mode */
> 212                         if(iv)
> 213                                 memcpy(ctx->iv, iv, 
> M_EVP_CIPHER_CTX_iv_length(ctx));
> 214                         break;
> 215
> I can make my program work if I change line 33 from:
> EVP_EncryptInit( &ctx_2, NULL, NULL, iv );
> to:
> EVP_EncryptInit( &ctx_2, EVP_aes_128_ctr(), key, iv );
> This explicitly specifies the cipher and key again.  From the docs, it 
> appears that I should be able to set them to NULL and have it work, if they 
> don't need to be updated, and that is how it works in the non-FIPS mode.
> Questions:
> ========
> 1) Should I need to explicitly specifies the cipher and key again in 
> EVP_EncryptInit(), if I am only updating the IV?  (i.e. should I be able to 
> put NULL for key and cipher).
> 2) Is there purposely a difference in behavior between the FIPS and non-FIPS 
> versions, or is this a bug?  My understanding was that they *should* work 
> interchangeably.
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