On Tue, Dec 11, 2012 at 8:06 PM, Michael Sierchio <ku...@tenebras.com> wrote:

> - Select an interval near the desired size

[ 2^1023 + 1^1022 + 1 , 2^1024 - 1 ]

> - Sieve out composites divisible by small primes
> - Select two probable primes such that (p - q) is reasonably large
> (2^100 or so) to defeat the difference-of-squares method

Before testing for primality, make sure that p mod e != 1, where e is
the public exponent

> - Perform enough primality tests to convince yourself they're prime ;-)
> - other common criteria aren't really helpful - e.g. strong primes
> (they were never necessary for RSA), restrictions on p-1 and q-1
> (Elliptic Curve Method factoring makes those obsolete)
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