> From: Robert Moskowitz [mailto:r...@htt-consult.com] 
> Sent: Wednesday, 02 January, 2013 12:12

> As I indicated, part of my problem is the default ssl.conf for apache 
> points to localhost.crt (built at firstboot) and I changed my hostname 
> which does not change the localhost cert.  But the BasicConstraints 
> problem is still needed to work out.
> On 12/31/2012 07:18 PM, Dave Thompson wrote:
> >> From: owner-openssl-us...@openssl.org On Behalf Of Robert Moskowitz
> >> Sent: Monday, 31 December, 2012 17:02

<snip: req -new -x509 then httpd logs BC:ca=true and name mismatch>

> >> I am trying to figure out why it I have that.  I only wanted a
> >> cert; should it have this?
> >>
> > Not really. What does your x509 -text show for extensions?
> Well there it is,
> X509v3 Basic Constraints:
>           CA:TRUE
The default (v3_ca) should also have produced SubjectKeyIdentifier 
(with a hash value) and AuthorityKeyIdentifier (with the same value).
I'll assume you just didn't post them.

> >
> > Since you didn't specify -config on your req -new -x509,
> > it should have used your system's default openssl.cnf settings.
> > As distributed that has extensions=usr_cert and usr_cert sets
> > BC=ca:false among other things. Has yours been editted?
My mistake, my quick search found [ca]x509_extensions=usr_cert .
For req -x509 the default is [req]x509_extensions=v3_ca .

> No, as shipped in Centos 6.3
> > It is semantically incorrect to have ca:true on an end-entity cert,
> > but I'm not sure it's actually prohibited and it may actually work.
> > <snip> But it would be preferable to have ca:false or absent.
> I think the problem may be I don't have the 'right'  options for a 
> self-signed cert.  I am using -X509 that I was told to use for a 
> self-signed cert, but from the man page: <snip>
> So of course it uses the v3_ca section of openssl.cnf that indicates:
> basicConstraints = CA:true
plus SKI and AKI, correct.

> so either in the openssl req command at the beginning of this post I 
> should not be using -x509 but something else, or I should be adding 
> something to override BC to get CA:false
> Please help me out with correcting the openssl req command.
req -x509 is indeed one correct way to generate a selfsigned cert.
(req without -x509 generates a CSR instead.) You need to change the 
extensions used (or omitthem, but that's old-fashioned). There are 
many options if you edit the default config file or create a new 
(copied) config file and edit and use that, but the minimal change 
is to override the selection of an existing section by adding 
-extensions usr_cert (has ca=false also SKI and AKI which aren't 
really useful for selfsigned EE but should do no harm) or 
-extensions v3_req (has ca=false and KU, arguably slightly better).

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