On Jan 23, 2013, at 1:12 PM, Tovey, Dwight (LaserJet R&D FW Eng.) wrote:
> Hello all –
> I have a need to send a bit of RSA encrypted data to a device.  The device 
> will provide it’s public key via SNMP as 140 bytes of binary data.  I’m 
> assuming that the data is DER format, but I can’t swear to it.
> FWIW: Here is the output of ‘base64 pubkey.bin’:

Piping that to 'openssl asn1parse', it does turn out to be a DER-encoded 
SEQUENCE of two INTEGERs which look like an RSA modulus and exponent.

Most openssl commands that deal with bare public keys want a 
SubjectPublicKeyInfo structure, which is basically what you have wrapped in 
another SEQUENCE with an algorithm identifier.

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