On Wed, Jan 30, 2013, cellecial wrote:

> Hi,
> I write some code to generate an ECC certificate, it works partly.
> The certificate can be parsed by IE but prompt "signature corrupt".

Are you sure that version of Windows supports ECC cerrificates?

> So I dump the cert using X509_print_fp(),here is the information:
> /*=============================================*/
> Certificate:
>     Data:
>         Version: 1 (0x0)
>         Serial Number: 0 (0x0)
>     Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA1
>         Issuer: C=AU, ST=SS, L=LL, O=LONG, OU=DEV,
> CN=CA/emailAddress=ad...@long.com
>         Validity
>             Not Before: Jan 29 07:39:02 2013 GMT
>             Not After : Jan 29 07:39:02 2014 GMT
>         Subject: C=AU, ST=SS, L=LL, O=LONG, OU=DEV,
> CN=CA/emailAddress=ad...@long.com
>         Subject Public Key Info:
>             Public Key Algorithm: id-ecPublicKey
>                 Public-Key: (256 bit)
>                 pub:
>                     04:c6:f8:32:9a:99:ff:8f:66:f4:05:57:33:86:b1:
>                     6d:18:2b:71:38:35:67:f9:37:b6:3b:e7:fc:26:dc:
>                     9b:bc:40:76:64:53:ef:b4:1d:18:24:79:bc:93:ab:
>                     2f:5d:50:4c:63:fb:e6:4c:d5:2e:44:8b:f2:05:e9:
>                     4c:ca:4c:3d:49
>                 Field Type: prime-field
>                 Prime:
>                     00:ff:ff:ff:ff:00:00:00:01:00:00:00:00:00:00:
>                     00:00:00:00:00:00:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:
>                     ff:ff:ff
>                 A:
>                     00:ff:ff:ff:ff:00:00:00:01:00:00:00:00:00:00:
>                     00:00:00:00:00:00:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:
>                     ff:ff:fc
>                 B:
>                     5a:c6:35:d8:aa:3a:93:e7:b3:eb:bd:55:76:98:86:
>                     bc:65:1d:06:b0:cc:53:b0:f6:3b:ce:3c:3e:27:d2:
>                     60:4b
>                 Generator (uncompressed):
>                     04:6b:17:d1:f2:e1:2c:42:47:f8:bc:e6:e5:63:a4:
>                     40:f2:77:03:7d:81:2d:eb:33:a0:f4:a1:39:45:d8:
>                     98:c2:96:4f:e3:42:e2:fe:1a:7f:9b:8e:e7:eb:4a:
>                     7c:0f:9e:16:2b:ce:33:57:6b:31:5e:ce:cb:b6:40:
>                     68:37:bf:51:f5
>                 Order:
>                     00:ff:ff:ff:ff:00:00:00:00:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:
>                     ff:ff:bc:e6:fa:ad:a7:17:9e:84:f3:b9:ca:c2:fc:
>                     63:25:51
>                 Cofactor:  1 (0x1)
>                 Seed:
>                     c4:9d:36:08:86:e7:04:93:6a:66:78:e1:13:9d:26:
>                     b7:81:9f:7e:90
>     Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA1
>          30:45:02:20:1f:7a:53:12:6f:7f:79:f8:8a:f8:15:dd:f0:3a:
>          b4:cd:4e:46:1d:f3:bd:89:53:33:88:ab:c6:dc:7f:d8:4b:33:
>          02:21:00:ca:87:43:6b:35:8f:44:db:ee:56:2a:52:4a:86:8c:
>          f4:14:b3:ae:71:49:e5:1f:94:67:a5:2a:e2:c9:27:22:90
> /*=============================================*/
> As you can see, there are some extra info in "Public Key Info" section.
> I thought I know the reason, here is my origin code snippet:

That extra info is the default way the EC key is currently encoded by OpenSSL:
explicitly giving all the EC curve details. 

If you want it to just use the curve name instead you have to call: 

EC_KEY_set_asn1_flag(eckey, OPENSSL_EC_NAMED_CURVE);

Dr Stephen N. Henson. OpenSSL project core developer.
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