Thanks Dave,

EVP_DecodeBlock did the magic.


On Tue, Feb 5, 2013 at 5:47 AM, Dave Thompson <> wrote:

> >From: On Behalf Of Srivardhan Hebbar
> >Sent: Tuesday, 29 January, 2013 04:57
> >I have a string which has the certificate in PEM(Base64) format.
> >I want to convert it to DER format(unsigned char). How can I do it?
> >I wrote the following code:<snip>
> >This code is failing. Am getting 'x' always null.
> PEM is not just base64. PEM is base64 plus header and trailer lines,
> here -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE---- and -----END CERTIFICATE----- .
> Do you have that?
> If not, either:
> - add the header and trailer lines, then PEM_read and i2d as now --
> except there is no guarantee that a (DER) certificate fits in 4K
> bytes. Reasonable DNs, and practically usable pubkey and signature,
> can't be much more than 1K, but CAs can, and some do, add the most
> mind-boggling crud in extensions. Either call i2d_(,NULL) first to
> determine the length and allocate that; or call it and check the
> length fits in your fixed size before doing i2d_(,buffer);
> or check the PEM (or just the base64) before decoding is not more
> than about 5.3KC (which does guarantee the binary fits in 4KB).
> - decode the base64 to binary directly. With OpenSSL you can
> read it through a b64-BIO, or (undocumented) just call
> EVP_DecodeBlock, or you can decode b64 in about 20 lines
> of C (maybe 10 if you don't care about handling errors).
> Unlike the above approach this does not check your data contains
> a facially-valid cert (that is, it is correctly structured and
> all required fields exist, but we don't know if it was properly
> signed by a trusted CA and not expired or revoked). But if you
> subsequently use the DER cert for anything, presumably that will
> at least decode it and hopefully verify/validate it.
> Aside: you could save some copies by creating a readonly mem-BIO
> directly on the c++ std::string's internal buffer, instead of
> .c_str() which may need to copy and BIO_puts which definitely does.
> But unless you have many (or huge) certs this shouldn't matter much.
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