Also this might be useful for implementers:

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Jakob Bohm
Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2013 12:07 PM
Subject: Re: Timestamp for Microsoft Authenticode?

I have written a few posts about this timestamp format on this list before,
here are my supplemental comments to your description and

On 3/17/2013 6:14 PM, Walter H. wrote:
> Hello,
> has anybody got an idea, how to programm/get such a timestamp server - 
> is not RFC 3161 conform - with using OpenSSL on Linux;

The RFC 3161 protocol postdates the MS format and produces responses
that are useless as PKCS#7/CMS countersignatures (RFC2985#5.3.6), this
may be a "feature" of RFC 3161 due to the horrible patent landscape it
was created in.

The parts of RFC2985/PKCS#9 used by this protocol seem to have been
part of the original 1991 PKCS#9 v1.0.

> attached are the ASN.1 dump of the received and sent package - in this
> case the signtool.exe sends the query to
> and receives from
> there the reply;
> - send (request): mssendts-asn1.text
> - receive (reply): msrecvts-asn1.text
> (these I recorded with wireshark)
> I thought of this:
> openssl smime -pk7out -in received.der -inform DER -sign -out
> pkcs7reply.der -outform DER -md sha1 -signer cert.pem -inkey key.pem
> -passin file:passphrase
Won't work (as you saw), this function doesn't take the actual 
ContentInfo structure as input, but data which it will (mis)treat
as an e-mail and then wrap in its own ContentInfo.  Notice how the
messageDigest in your result is not the one in the result from the
original RSADSI/VeriSign/Thawte/Symantec server.

When the input specifies a content type of "data", you could use
the bytes inside the inner OCTET STRING as input to cms like this
    openssl cms -sign -binary -content filewithrawdata.bin -outform DER
to get something close to the right response, but this won't work
if the request specifies a different content type.

> but there I'm missing the original 256 bytes of the received query,
> and the SECTION with OID 1.2.840.113549.1.9.15 (sMIMECapabilities) is
> too much;
> see the 3rd attachment: pkcs7reply-asn1.text
> below is the "spec" from MSDN;
> how can I achieve this?

I think there was a SourceForge project related to this
But I don't know its status.

> Thanks,
> Walter
>       Time Stamp Request
> The time stamp request is sent within an HTTP 1.1 POST message. In the
> HTTP header, the CacheControl directive is set to no-cache, and the
> Content-Type directive is set to application/octet-stream. The body of
> the HTTP message is a base64 encoding of /Distinguished Encoding Rules/
> (DER) encoding of the time stamp request.
> Although not currently used, the Content-Length directive should also be
> used in constructing the HTTP message because it helps the time stamp
> server locate where the request is within the HTTP POST.
> Other HTTP headers may also be present and should be ignored if they are
> not understood by the requestor or time stamp server.
> The time stamp request is an ASN.1 encoded message. The format of the
> request is as follows.
> Copy
> TimeStampRequest ::= SEQUENCE {
>     countersignatureType OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
>     attributes Attributes OPTIONAL,
>     content  ContentInfo
> }
> The countersignatureType is the /object identifier/
> (OID) that identifies this as a time stamp countersignature and should
> be the exact OID
> No attributes are currently included in the time stamp request.
> The content is a ContentInfo as defined by PKCS #7. The content is the
> data to be signed. For signature time stamping, the ContentType should
> be Data, and the content should be the encryptedDigest (signature) from
> the SignerInfo of the PKCS #7 content to be time stamped.

ContentInfo is defined in RFC2315#7   (PKCS#7) and in RFC5652#3   (CMS)
SignerInfo  is defined in RFC2315#9.2 (PKCS#7) and in RFC5652#5.3 (CMS)

>       Time Stamp Response
> The time stamp response is also sent within an HTTP 1.1 message. In the
> HTTP header, the Content-Type directive is also set to
> application/octet-stream. The body of the HTTP message is a base64
> encoding of DER encoding of the time stamp response.
> The time stamp response is a PKCS #7 signed message signed by the time
> stamper. The ContentInfo of the PKCS #7 message is identical to the
> ContentInfo received in the time stamp. The PKCS #7 content contains the
> signing time authenticated attribute (defined in PKCS #99, OID
> 1.2.840.113549.9.5).

This is RFC2985#5.3.3 signingTime, The OID in the MSDN spec is a 
misprint, it is 1.2.840.113549.1.9.5 according to both
the RFC and my dumps of real signatures.

This is also specified in RFC5652#11.3 (CMS).

> After Authenticode receives the time stamp from the server, Authenticode
> incorporates the time stamp into the original PKCS #7 *SignedData*
> as a countersignature. To accomplish this, the ContentInfo of the
> returned PKCS #7 *SignedData* is discarded, and the SignerInfo of the
> returned time stamp is copied as a countersignature into the SignerInfo
> of the original PKCS #7 *SignedData*. The certificate chain of the time
> stamper is also copied into Certificates in the original PKCS #7
> *SignedData* as an unauthenticated attribute of the original signer.

This spec matches my observations and dumps, note that counterSignature
is exactly as defined in RFC2985#5.3.6 and the MS timeStamping protocol
is designed to return a signature that can be used for this.

counterSignature is also specified in RFC5652#11.4 (CMS), however 
contrary to the text of RFC5652#11.4, it is acceptable for the 
counterSignature to specify a "ContentType" attribute with a value
of "data" (1.2.840.113549.1.7.1), as would be caused by the time
stamping server blindly complying with RFC5652#5.3 as its response is
technically not a counterSignature attribute until after manipulation
by the client.


Jakob Bohm, CIO, Partner, WiseMo A/S.
Transformervej 29, 2730 Herlev, Denmark.  Direct +45 31 13 16 10
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