I think of it as all EVP_*Update() functions are always ready to consume
more data and you can call them multiple times until all data is digested.
 All EVP_*Final and EVP_*Final_ex() functions are "commit and finalize" and
quite often they are the core of the operation (like producing a signature
of the final digest).

So you always do the following:
- initialize (once)
- update (1..many)
- finalize (once)

In your case (as in any other), yes, you need to call EVP_EncryptFinal_ex().


2013/4/8 Taraniteja Vishwanatha <taranit...@gmail.com>

> Hey all,
> I am using EVP APIs to do AES 256 encryption. I have a question regarding
> EVP_EncryptFinal_ex. The documentation says this API is used to encrypt the
> last few bytes if any remaining.
> Is this API required? I am allocating the cipher text size before passing
> into EVP_EncryptUpdate in the order of AES_BLOCK_SIZE (16).
> So for example my plaintext length is 20 bytes, I am allocating cipher
> text as 32 bytes before passing into EVP_EncryptUpdate.
> Will I need to use EVP_EncryptFinal_ex regardless of the length allocated?
> Thank you,
> Tarani

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