Yes, very possible.  What language are you using?

I use Perl, and there's a CPAN module called Net::SSLeay that provides Perl
wrappers for all the OpenSSL functions.  That module also includes a simple
example client, which you can see at .
 Because these functions are wrappers, the C version would be roughly the
same sequence.

I have other sample clients and servers; ask if you need any more.  The
OpenSSL site documents each C function, which are named the same as the
Perl functions in the example above.


On Wed, Sep 18, 2013 at 4:44 AM, Indtiny s <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I want to use a openssl api and use that as http client .
> currently I am using the c-curl lib with opebssl to do this .
> and I am running a Nginx server with openssl to support server funs.
> I want to remove the curl, and use only openssl to talk to the HTTPS
> server to do GET or PUT .
> is it possible to implement a simple https client using openssl-APIs ?
> if so pls help me how to start ..?
> Rgds
> Indra

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