On 28 Oct 2013, at 11:56, redpath <redp...@us.ibm.com> wrote:

> I would like to know why the openssl CA command to revoke a cert
> (myfiletorevoke) 
> needs the CA cert other than the cert I want to revoke. 
> openssl ca -revoke  myfiletorevoke -keyfile   cakey -cert cacert -passin
> pass:CApass -config myconfig
> I noticed that the command does not modify the cert I want to revoke anyway,
> well at least the date
> stays the same and the -text shown is the same.

If you parse the resulting CRL file (openssl crl -inform DER -in file.crl -text 
-noout) you'll notice that it contains the Issuer and Authority Key Identifier; 
these are taken from the CA cert. While for each entry the serial # is taken 
from the cert you are revoking.

There is not much checking done - so it is quite possible (and sometimes useful 
in case
of complex cross signing/separate revocation threes as often used in Europe) to 
a serial # of a cert with a different Authority Key Identifier to a signed CRL 

Hope that helps.

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