Hmm somehow the e-mail got cut after 1'st line? :-(

Thanks Ryan for the echo suggestion, but it will just end up in an config file.
Also since im running the CA internally it will use the information.

If there is a -reqexts flag? What use is it if it cannot add extensions?
Especially since a subjectAltName is probably one of the most well used objects?

Or should I completely avoid the cmd-line csr generation "oneliner" and always 
go for a config file?

With Regards

------orginal message below-----

Im trying to use subjectAltName when im generating a csr on the commandline.

I been trying with the "-reqexts" flag, but im only getting errors....
'Openssl req -new -key debug.key -passin pass:abcd -out debug.csr -subj 

All it gives is a: "Error Loading request extension section

The config file is an option that seems to work, but I have not been able to 
mix config file with cmd-line parameters....As soon as I try the openssl req 
seems to require the subject to be inside the config file :-/

The CA used is an internal one.

Is it possible, and if so, how do I format the cmd-line to make it accept x509 
extensions from the cmd-line?

With Regards

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