On 8 Jan 2014, at 12:14 PM, Hasan, Rezaul (NSN - US/Arlington Heights) wrote:
> If I have a Linux CLIENT machine running with  openssl 0.9.8r      
> establishing  HTTPS sessions       with a Linux SERVER running openssl 1.0.1e
> Is there any problems I should anticipate? In other words, should those two 
> versions of openssl be able to play nicely with each other without causing 
> any undesired behavior ?  Are there any limitations that I need to be aware 
> of?

I've run programs built with earlier 0.9.8 versions talking to programs built 
with earlier 1.0.1 versions with no problems. As far as what goes across the 
network, they should be entirely compatible as long as they have some 
ciphersuites and protocol versions in common, which they normally will.

(They're not necessarily API- or binary-compatible--- that is, if you build a 
program, link it against the 0.9.8 dynamic library, and when you run it give it 
the 1.0.1 dynamic library instead, things can break. But it doesn't sound like 
that's what you're doing.)

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