Hi all,

I am trying to load the name and value of an X509 extension programmatically 
via the API (in other words, the openssl.cnf file isn't being used), and I am 
struggling with openssl telling me that the tag doesn't exist.

The extension I want to load has the name "keyUsage" and value 
"nonRepudiation,digitalSignature,keyEncipherment", and the error I get looks 
like this:

139684350600856:error:0D0B10C2:asn1 encoding routines:ASN1_CB:unknown 

The code that is trying to load in the extension looks like this:

    /* find the name of the extension */
    if (!(obj = OBJ_txt2obj(name, 0))) {
// error handler, this works fine when name has value "keyUsage"

    type = ASN1_generate_v3((char *)val, NULL);
    if (type == NULL) {
// we bomb out here with val as 

When I initialise openssl, I run the following two functions:


Can anyone shed some light on what I might be doing wrong?

The code above was obtained by reverse engineering openssl itself, what is 
throwing me is that I can't see how openssl understands the words 
"nonRepudiation,digitalSignature,keyEncipherment" when my code doesn't.


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