On 01/06/2014 10:34 PM, Alan Cabrera wrote:

I should have obtained the DER form using i2d_RSA_PUBKEY(). Also, passing &buf to the method should have warned me that the pointer was being modified. I have no idea why it gets modified and what it points to after the call.

So now I do

|der_form=  throw_away=  (unsigned  char  *)  malloc(len);
i2d_RSAPublicKey(public_key,  &throw_away);|

and use the contents of der_form.


This is standard behaviour with any i2d_* function. The second pointer is increased to the end of the written data. Read, for instance, the WARNINGS section here: http://www.openssl.org/docs/crypto/d2i_X509.html For what I recall, this is done because you often want to append more ASN.1 data at the end of the current data, so you need to keep track of where you are.

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