In OpenSSL-1.0.1f, in 'ssl3_send_server_key_exchange' function, when all
the below conditions are true, there is a potential memory leak.

1) 'type & SSL_kEECDH' is true, (ie the key exchange is ephemeral ecdh)
2) 'ecdhp == NULL' && 's->cert->ecdh_tmp_cb != NULL'
3) 's->cert->ecdh_tmp_cb' mallocs a new 'EC_KEY' and returns the allocated

This allocated 'EC_KEY', 'ecdhp' is later copied to 'ecdh' using
'EC_KEY_dup'. But 'ecdhp' is not freed in the function.

I would think that the call back functions would allocate a new EC_KEY,
atleast sometimes if not everytime. And whenever the allocation is done,
that memory is leaked.


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