
Say, I have a servercert.pem, serverkey.pem and cacert.pem.  When
using SSL_CTX_use_certificate_chain_file() to load a cert file as the
second argument, I will have to construct the file like this:

cat servercert.pem serverkey.pem cacert.pem > server.pem

and use server.pem in the API.

My question is why I need to put in the private server key when loading the

What's even more confusing to me is that later on I have to use
SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file() to load the private key file which again is
the same as server.pem.

I might have misunderstood something or these two APIs might have
internally picked the ones they need and ignore the rest in the file. Maybe
it's just a convenient way to use a single file for both.


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