Hi all,

I'm trying to use openssl command line utility to sign data file
with key located in Windows Certificates Store.
I generated 1024 bit dsa private key and certificate. Converted them to
pkcs12 format and imported the certificate into WCS.
  openssl dsaparam -rand $ssl_sign_program -C -out $ssl_dsa_param 1024
  openssl req -x509 -extensions v3_ca $passout_param  -newkey 
dsa:$ssl_dsa_param -keyout $ssl_dsa_priv_key -days 365 -batch -out $ssl_dsa_cert
  openssl pkcs12 -export -out $ssl_dsa_priv_key_pkcs12 -inkey $ssl_dsa_priv_key 
-name "KeyPKCS12" -in $ssl_dsa_cert    $passin_param $passout_param

I expected that below command will work
openssl dgst  -keyform ENGINE -engine capi -sign Company -passin pass:123 -hex 
-out sig.txt  -sha1 data_file

But it doesn't. 
Because capi engine doesn't implement pkey_meths and digests. 
I can't configure engine to set these fields via openssl.conf.

So my first question - is it possible to configure capi engine's pkey_meths and 
digests  via openssl.conf?
In "openssl dgst  -keyform ENGINE ..." command. Also I can't tune engine's 
parameters like debug_file 
and debug_level via openssl.conf. If it is possible I need some hints about 
openssl.conf syntax.

I hacked engines/e_capi.c - implemented pkey_meths and digests methods.
See patch attached. My openssl.cnf is also attached.

With it 
openssl dgst  -keyform ENGINE -engine capi -sign Company -passin pass:123 -hex 
-out sig.txt  -sha1 data_file
somehow works and provides

But if I sign the same file using initial private key in pem format
openssl dgst -hex -sign dsa_priv.key -out sig1.txt -passin pass:123 -sha1 
I get get different signature

Could somebody explain what is wrong?

Thank you in advance

Attachment: openssl_capi.diff
Description: openssl_capi.diff

Attachment: openssl.cnf
Description: openssl.cnf

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