On Aug 31, 2014 9:28 PM, "Michael Cantrell" <michael.cantr...@gmail.com>
> Hi,
> I'm trying to run OpenSSL on an ARM922T processor running uClinux, and
I'm having trouble. I'm able to cross compile the binary and libraries
using the manufacturer's toolchain.
> ./Configure linux-generic32 -DL_ENDIAN --prefix=/usr/local/arm-elf
--openssldir=/home/openssl no-dso
> Edit Makefile to use the arm-elf-gcc toolchain provided by the hardware
manufacturer and remove -ldl.
> OpenSSL then builds successfully, but when I put it on the device and run
it, I get a SIGSEGV immediately.
> How can I go about debugging the segfault to figure out what is wrong?
The hardware I'm on only has 8MB of disk space, so any tools would have to
be built and installed within that limitation.

How do you debug anything else on that device? Openssl is portable
software, so it's not the place where you're likely to figure out how to do
debugging on specific embedded systems. I presume you probably want to
install gdb server (or some equivalent from your vendor/manufacturer) on
your rootfs, perhaps with documentation and other stuff stripped out, and
then execute your openssl binary within the debugger, and debug it from a
gdb client over a network interface. Or something like that.

Maybe ask your supplier about that and about openssl as well? They may
already have some build recipes for it, in which case that might prove to
be a better place to start out.


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