
CVE-2014-3510 affects anonymous DH and ECDH ciphersuites only.

The additional modification for RSA key exchange is just us being pedantic:
we added an internal error for an impossible-to-reach condition. It is a
safety net to avoid regression, should something change in the surrounding

(In retrospect, we should have separated the commits to avoid confusion.)

Cheers and sorry for the delay in response,

On Fri, Aug 29, 2014 at 4:37 PM, Ivan Nestlerode <inestler...@gmail.com>

> Hello openssl-users,
> I am looking for clarification regarding CVE-2014-3510.  The advisory
> refers to it as a vulnerability in DTLS when using anonymous DH/ECDH.
>  However, the fix in git (bff5319d9038765f864ef06e2e3c766f5c01dbd7)
> modified code involving RSA key exchange in non-DTLS protocol versions.
> What is the real scope of this vulnerability?  In particular, does it
> affect TLS 1.0 when used with non-anonymous RSA cipher suites?
> Thanks,
> Ivan

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