Your EC point is on the brainpoolP256r1 curve. This curve isn't supported by OpenSSL (yet).


Le 20/10/2014 10:16, Harakiri a écrit :
Im getting the following error

using  openssl x509 -inform DER -in cms_cert.der -text
140026491385512:error:100D7010:elliptic curve routines:ECKEY_PUB_DECODE:EC
140026491385512:error:0B07707D:x509 certificate routines:X509_PUBKEY_get:public
key decode error:x_pubkey.c:164:

I found a message stating that:

"Your public key parameter field is set to NULL. It must either be an OID
to name the curve, or explicit parameters."

Does this apply to the pkey i have attached to this message too ?

Windows does not complain about the key tho.

Is the key RFC conform (its not mine, but i have to validate it) ?


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