
Following on the 'SP800-90 DRBG in OpenSSL FIPS 140 for SP800-90A?' topic, the 
OpenSSL source code does not seem to mention SP 800-90A.  Only SP 800-90.  So 
the certifications were made for SP 800-90, is that right ?

Also, does it depend on the application to choose which DRBG and moreover, for 
regular FIPS uses, does it matter which DRBG is used since they are all 
approved ?

One more question: is there a way for us to actually know/test which one id 
used by an application ?  I currently am using a FIPS_post_set_callback() 
placed in FIPS_mode_set() - can this be useful to identify which DRBG is used ? 
 Maybe FIPS_drbg_set_callbacks() could be more useful ?


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