Good Morning,

I am trying to set up a TLS connection between an embedded processor and
remote server using the TLS_PSK_WITH_AES_128_CCM_8 cipher suite.  This
cipher suite is supported on the device side and I can find aes-128-ccm as
a possibility on the fresh git clone of openssl.  (using ./openssl enc

I have also found the "Making AES-CCM available as a TLS-negotiated cipher
suite" post by Paul Muschick in 2012.

This is my first foray into the openssl realm, so please for my ignorance,
but is there is a reason why this cipher suite isn't currently supported?
 (I.e. saving society from itself :)) And if not, does anyone have any
relevant guidance so that I can start looking into creating a patch?

Thanks in advance,

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