> From: openssl-users [mailto:openssl-users-boun...@openssl.org] On Behalf
> Of Martin Brampton
> Sent: Wednesday, December 16, 2015 13:23
> Is there a way to obtain the amount of data available to be read?
> I'm working with a system that operates in non-blocking mode using
> epoll. When an EPOLLIN event is received the aim is to read the data.
> For the non-SSL case, the amount of data can be obtained using ioctl
> FIONREAD.  This is used to malloc a suitable sized buffer, followed by
> read the data into the buffer.
> How should the SSL version of our code work?  At present it is using the
> sum of the number obtained from ioctl FIONREAD (which seems suspect
> when
> SSL is in use and appears to be always too large) and the number from
> ssl_pending (which seems to be zero).  The buffer then has to be truncated.

TCP is a stream service. It may deliver (to the application, which in this case 
means to OpenSSL) part of an SSL/TLS record, a single complete record, multiple 

In some situations, you may reliably receive one TLS record at a time. You 
can't assume that will be the general case, particularly for application 
protocols that aren't simple alternating request-response pairs, or over long 
network paths, or with large blocks of application data, or if the recipient's 
stack is squeezed for resources.

FIONREAD will show the amount of data available from the stack. SSL_pending 
will show the amount of application data from complete records OpenSSL has 
already received and processed that the application has not read from OpenSSL 
yet. Per above, the former can represent less than one record to multiple 
records and possibly a partial one at the end. The latter may well not be zero, 
for example if the peer does multiple sends, or sends a block of data large 
enough that it gets chunked into multiple TLS records; then OpenSSL may read 
data from the stack and get multiple complete records, in which case 
SSL_pending will be > 0.

Note that nothing in the OpenSSL API gives you the number of bytes of a partial 
record that OpenSSL has received from the stack.

Even in the ideal case where exactly a single TLS record is sitting in the 
stack's buffers, FIONREAD will be larger than the size of the application data, 
because it's a TLS record, which has non-zero overhead. Specifically it has a 
header containing type, version, and length, and a footer with MAC and padding. 
The application only gets the application data, so it must get fewer than 

Unless I'm forgetting something, since Open SSL will only deliver application 
data to the caller, and only from a complete record, then:

- If, when the application obtains the values from FIONREAD + ssl_pending (call 
this sum N), at least one complete TLS record has been received by the stack 
and not read by the application, then the amount of data the application gets 
from SSL_read will be strictly less than N
- Otherwise, in the case where the application gets those values too early, N 
will be less than the size of the record OpenSSL will eventually assemble, the 
amount of application data *may* be greater than, equal to (unlikely), or less 
than N. In this case there's simply no way for the application to know.

> Can this approach work?

No. OpenSSL doesn't know how much data is in a TLS record until it's processed 
it, and it doesn't know that until it has the complete record. (It could assume 
the record is valid before it has the complete record and look at the length 
field, but it doesn't know how long the padding is until it has the very last 
byte. And assuming the record is valid is a Bad Idea.)

Consequently, your application can't know that either.

Looking at the amount of data buffered by the stack is pointless, for the 
reasons discussed above.

>  Could it be improved?  Or is there some
> fundamental problem with operating in this way?

The fundamental problem is that you don't know how much data is going to be 
available from whatever complete records OpenSSL has received, and you don't 
even know that OpenSSL has received a complete record. The sender could be 
dribbling data to you one byte at a time. (This would be perverse, but what if 
some MITM is mucking about with your window announcements? Note those are at 
the TCP protocol level and so are not protected by TLS.)

You might want to look at something like this:

- Use non-blocking sockets. When you get a POLLIN event, try SSL_read with a 
small fixed buffer. If it returns SSL_WANT_READ, you don't have a complete 
record yet.
- Set the read-ahead flag with SSL_CTX_set_read_ahead (before creating your SSL 
objects), so that OpenSSL will grab all available data off the wire when you 
call SSL_read; that will reduce useless POLLIN events.
- When you have a successful SSL_read, use SSL_pending to get the number of 
application-data bytes remaining. Allocate a buffer of fixed-small-buffer-size 
+ value-from-SSL_pending. Copy in the small fixed buffer, then SSL_read into 
the tail of the allocated buffer.
- If SSL_read returns SSL_WANT_READ, loop back to poll. The call to SSL_read 
(with read-ahead set in the SSL object via the context) should have grabbed the 
available data from the socket, so the socket will no longer be readable unless 
something else has arrived in the meantime.

Disclaimer: I haven't tried this.

Michael Wojcik
Technology Specialist, Micro Focus

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