If you don't know or care what FIPS 140-2 is then bail out now. Here be

The CMVP has approved the mandated "X9.31 RNG transition"[1] update for
two-thirds of the OpenSSL FIPS Object Module v2.0. That "transition"
consists of editorial changes to the Security Policy document(s) and did
not involve any changes to the OpenSSL FIPS module software.

That module is, for perversely confusing reasons[2], covered by three
nominally separate but very similar validations, #1747, #2398, and
#2473. Those three validations collectively cover all the formally
tested platforms for this OpenSSL FIPS module.

As of yesterday our submissions for the #1747 and #2473 validations were
approved and posted on the NIST CMVP web site. Those validations will
thus presumably be spared the promised fate of de-listing to "not to be
used" status on January 31.

The documentation for the remaining validation, #2398, was submitted at
the same time but is still pending. That delay will only be significant
for users of the OpenSSL FIPS module on platforms listed only for the
#2398 module.

-Steve M.

[1] http://csrc.nist.gov/groups/STM/cmvp/notices.html, see the section
labeled "X9.31 RNG transition, December 31, 2015".

[2] Details for masochists only: http://openssl.com/fips/ransom.html

Steve Marquess
OpenSSL Software Foundation
1829 Mount Ephraim Road
Adamstown, MD  21710
+1 877 673 6775 s/b
+1 301 874 2571 direct
gpg/pgp key: http://openssl.com/docs/0x6D1892F5.asc
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