On 1/2/2018 19:36, Dave Coombs wrote:
>> The observation is correct, but the conclusion is wrong.
>> The object is reference counted, and X509_free() is needed
>> to avoid a leak (when the store is freed along with the
>> context).
> My apologies -- I assumed based on its name that X509_OBJECT_up_ref_count was 
> upping the refcount on the internal X509_OBJECT, which had taken over the 
> X509*, which led to my conclusion that freeing the X509_STORE frees the X509 
> too.  However, you're right, it ups the refcount on the underlying X509, and 
> so the caller *should* free the underlying object when finished with it.
> I've now confirmed with a quick test program and valgrind.
> Oops,
>   -Dave

Karl Denninger
k...@denninger.net <mailto:k...@denninger.net>
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