> The code comiles just fine

Unfortunately, it does NOT compile fine on my system (and I guess the same 
occurs on several others!)

Can you fix all these various issues and post an updated zip file so I can test 
it again?



> A few points/questions:
> - Why cmake?

Well, this is part of a larger software bundle, so a build environment
is needed. And I like cmake. :)

> - I does not build/compile at all.
> - Why is this line here: #include <openssl/applink.c> ? I get a
> compilation error! 😱

It's in there because it was documented to use it on windows. I manually
copied the file to the appropriate place after compiling/installing
openssl, but if it is not needed anymore, I can remove the line.

> - Why are we adding these libraries: odbc32 advapi32 ?

Again, larger bundle, I forgot to remove them for that small excerpt,
they're not needed here. (but don't change anything, too)..

> CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:9 (find_package):
>   By not providing "FindOpenSSLSyn.cmake" in CMAKE_MODULE_PATH this
> project has asked CMake to find a package configuration file provided
> by "OpenSSLSyn", but CMake did not find one.

And, again: that should have read OpenSSL instead of OpenSSLSyn, and
the libs should read OpenSSL::Crypto. I have to use a special finder
to get the includes/libs to compile, but that's only a compile/link

Best regards, Jan
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