On 24.07.2018 11:41, Jakob Bohm wrote:

> Best option is to download the documents that specify the DER
> (or BER) ASN.1 Encoding, which is the X.690 (2015) ITU-T
> "recommendation" which was a freely downloadable PDF last time
> I checked.


> For example, the one you show below is thus:
> 0x30 (TAG for SEQUENCE)
> Some length value large enough to hold what follows, see X.690
>   0x06 (TAG for OBJECT id)
>   Any definite encoding of length = 9 bytes(127 possibilities)
>   0x2A (The bytes of pkcs7-envelopedData=1.2.840.113549.1.7.3)
>   0x86 .840
>   0x48
>   0x86 .113549
>   0xF7
>   0x0D
>   0x01 .1
>   0x07 .7
>   0x03 .3
> Rest not needed for identification of a pkcs7-envelopedData file.
> Note that same length values can be encoded in more than one way
> if the file is in BER format, as is often the case with PKCS#7
> files.

Thanks heaps for your input.  Much appreciated!


*Christian Böhme*

Developer System Integration


*CLOUD & HEAT Technologies GmbH*
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