> On Aug 1, 2018, at 4:42 AM, Matt Caswell <m...@openssl.org> wrote:
> Please can you submit this problem as a github issue:
> https://github.com/openssl/openssl/issues

We certainly need to raise the buffer size, for example on MacOS/X
and FreeBSD errno 47 has a (coincidentally) 47-byte long error message:

  $ perl -le '
    for ($i = 0; $i < 256; ++$i) {
      $! = $i; $l = length("$!");
      if ($l > $m) { $m = $l; $n = $i; }
      last if ($i eq "$!");
    $! = $n; print "$i: $n: $m: $!";
  97[*]: 47: 47: Address family not supported by protocol family

This will also be affected by the locale.  I'd set the limit
generously at 128 bytes.


[*] FreeBSD has 96 error strings, while running the same Perl script on
    MacOS/X demonstrates 106 error strings.
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