On 1/10/2019 17:07, Charles Mills wrote:
> On Windows, for a new session, I am issuing a Windows accept()
> followed by SSL_new(), SSL_set_fd() and so forth.
> When the session sees some sort of an abnormal receive condition, I am
> doing
>        int *retCode* = SSL_get_shutdown(sessionSSL);
>        if ( *retCode* & SSL_RECEIVED_SHUTDOWN )
>        {
>               SSL_shutdown(sessionSSL);
>        }
>        else
>        {
>               SSL_clear(sessionSSL);
>        }
> Questions:
> 1.       Do I also need to do a closesocket() (equivalent to UNIX
> close()) on the Windows socket?
> 2.       Does anyone want to critique the above logic in any other way?
> The code basically “works” but I see evidence that a Windows TCP
> session is still open following an SSL error.
> Thanks,
> /Charles Mills/
Are you sure you want to use SSL_clear() in the first place?  It retains
the session's settings which is only useful if the *exact* same peer is
going to reconnect on the same SSL object.  If a *different* peer
connects there's a decent shot that the connection will fail.

You also likely want to call SSL_shutdown(connection) again IF the first
call returns zero; the first one sends a notification and if the other
end hasn't closed yet returns zero.  The second waits for a termination,
either normal notification or abnormal, from the other end.

    if (!SSL_shutdown(connection)) {

The underlying handle is still open at the OS level after this, so on
Unix anyway you want to notify the OS that the socket is invalid for
further I/O and then close it.

Code snippet (took_error is a flag that says "this connection is no
longer needed", it's could be either an error in the higher level code
or a "we're all done, let this connection go" indication):

                if (slave_socket[x].took_error) {
                    slave_socket[x].connected = 0;  /* Connection is void */
                    if (slave_socket[x].ssl_fd != NULL) { /* If there's
a valid SSL connection */
                        if (!SSL_shutdown(slave_socket[x].ssl_fd)) {
                        slave_socket[x].ssl = 0; /* We are not in SSL
mode */
                    shutdown(slave_socket[x].fd, SHUT_RDWR);

                    ..... Clean up the rest of the things you need to do
when the connection ends

Since the next connection may come from a different peer I do not use
SSL_clear but rather SSL_free.

The call to shutdown() tells the OS to send any data queued on the
socket, wait for an ACK and then send FIN.

Karl Denninger
k...@denninger.net <mailto:k...@denninger.net>
/The Market Ticker/
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