
I have a 64bit windows application that uses openSSL, and I am using the
indy distribution from https://indy.fulgan.com/SSL/. This makes the file
names of the openssl dlls libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll (even though they
are 64bit).  Other distributions use other names (libcrypto-XX-x64.dll etc)

I believe that the filename variations are at the root of an issue I have
with openSSL. My symptoms are this: when I run my unit tests that do (among
other things) a bunch of tests of my SSL server, all is good. However,
anytime I load the mysql odbc driver into the memory space, I get an memory
corruption problem in libeay32.dll when shutting down. Google suggests that
this is due to a build mismatch between the two dlls... I'm guessing that
mysql is loading some other dll variant of openssl and some build mismatch
is arising ?

I'm clutching at straws here, but has this been an issue before? is there
any policy issue around distrubution filenames? Is there any other likely
cause why loading the mysql odbc driver causes memory corruptions in
openssl when shutting down?

http://www.healthintersections.com.au / grah...@healthintersections.com.au
/ +61 411 867 065
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