On 17/01/2019 14:21, Petrescu Constantin Cezar wrote:
> Dear sirs/madams,
> My name is Costin Cezar Petrescu and I am a student at Royal Holloway. I am
> intending to conduct some research regarding compilation errors, tricks to fix
> compiler mistakes and their affects over cryptographic libraries. 
> If it is possible, I would like to find more about OpenSSL issues. If there 
> are
> some things you believe could be related to what I do, can you guide me to 
> them?  

You can see all our current issues on github here:


You can also look at the closed issues (to see historically the kind of problem
we face) from the same page (click where it says "xxx Closed" - where xxx is a
number). Typically when we fix an issue it gets automatically linked to the
commit that fixed it.

We don't specifically separate out issues related to "compilation errors" you'd
have to search for those yourself. Of course most compilation errors wouldn't
ever make it as far as git in the first place since they would be fixed by the
developer before getting that far.


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