Thanks, Viktor.

On Sat, Mar 30, 2019 at 8:59 PM Viktor Dukhovni <>

> On Sat, Mar 30, 2019 at 08:09:01PM +0100, Ivan Medoedov wrote:
> > You are right of course. I handle HTTP myself. A TLS connection example
> > will suffice.
> >
> > > >
> That example can be simplified, but OpenSSL does not presently
> provide a built-in high-level function to make a verified connection
> to a given host:port.
> With library initialization now implicit in 1.1.0 and later, and
> thread-safety no longer requiring application callbacks, this would
> now be easier to provide, but:
>     * SSL_CTX creation is moderately expensive, and one should
>       generally create and use the same SSL_CTX for multiple SSL
>       connecitons in any applications that uses more than one SSL
>       connection.  So typically, there would still be a one-time
>       initialization step to create the SSL_CTX (application context).
>     * Some applications will want to do post-handshake I/O via the
>       socket API, and prefer to hand OpenSSL an already connected
>       socket on which to perform the TLS handshake.  Others may
>       want OpenSSL to establish the connection and may prefer to
>       use BIO interface to interact with the peer.
>     * While many systems have a usable default "trust store",
>       some do not, or the default "trust store" is overly inclusive.
>       Applications should generally allow the user to specify the
>       set of trusted CAs.
>     ...
> Through in enough similar qualifiers, and you end up with the rather
> complex example.  It could perhaps be refactored as (hypothetical
> interface):
>         /*
>          * Context with default trust store, protocols, ciphers, ...
>          * and peer verification enabled.
>          */
>         SSL_CTX *app_ctx = SSL_default_ssl_ctx(TLS_method());
>         /*
>          * Prepare verified (with name checks) SSL handle for the
>          * requested host:port (with SNI).
>          */
>         SSL *con = SSL_default_ssl(app_ctx, host, port);
> Then depending on whether you want to give OpenSSL an already
> connected socket, or have OpenSSL make the connection for you:
>         int err = SSL_connect_socket(con, fd);
> or (something along the lines of):
>         BIO *bp = SSL_connect_hostport(con, host, port, &err);
> At this point a stock error handler may be required, but if all
> went well, you now need an I/O loop.  And so would need to either
> use the connected file descriptor with your own buffering, ...
> or use OpenSSL BIOs, or some other buffering I/O layer that
> supports custom read/write wrappers.
> On FreeBSD/NetBSD it might be nice to have stock "fittings" to
> wrap stdio around OpenSSL connections via:
>      #include <stdio.h>
>      FILE *
>      funopen(const void *cookie,
>              int        (*readfn)  (void *, char *, int),
>              int        (*writefn) (void *, const char *, int),
>              fpos_t     (*seekfn)  (void *, fpos_t, int),
>              int        (*closefn) (void *));
> Providing higher level interfaces to the core TLS library would
> make a good project for someone good at API design, who is familiar
> with OpenSSL, but more interested in the API than the internals.
> --
>         Viktor.

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