Matt Caswell <> wrote:
    > Using the cert/data files you provided me off-list (thanks), I was able to
    > confirm the above and narrow it down further to the following commit:

What had produced the signatures?

    > In some cases, the damage is permanent and the spec deviation and
    > security risk becomes a tax all implementors must forever pay, but not
    > here. Both BoringSSL and Go successfully implemented and deployed
    > RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 as specified since their respective beginnings, so
    > this change should be compatible enough to pin down in future OpenSSL
    > releases.

    > So, based on the above description, it appears that older versions of 
    > were unduly lenient in tolerating incorrectly formatted signatures. As a
    > security hardening measure that tolerance was removed. If you want to 
know more
    > then David Benjamin may be able to expand.

Did openssl ever produce these wrong signatures?

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: PGP signature

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